Monday, August 1, 2011

04.05 – EXTRACT COMEDONES AND PUSTULES: WIM of JPK N-011-1 Jurukecantikan

This  is the sample of Information Sheet of Written Instructional Materials (WIM)  of the JPK NOSS N-011-1 Jurukecantikan 

FACIAL CARE teaches the student to be competent in performing facial care treatment. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to prepare facial work are, cleanse client’s skin, analyze skin, deep cleansing, extract comedones and pustules, massage face till chest, apply mask, tone and moisturize client’s face.

a.       A skin lesion is a structural change in the tissues caused by injury or disease
b.      Dermatolody is the study of the skin, its nature, functions and structure of the skin, skin diseases and treatments
c.       The two types of skin lesion are the primary (heals without leaving scars or mark) and the secondary (heals with epidermal crust and later will leave scars or marks)
d.      Secondary lesions are those in the skin which develop in the early stages
e.      Pustule is an elevation of the skin having an inflamed base containing pus, and is a primary skin lesion
f.        Scar is an immediate skin lesion, and is likely to form after healing of an injury which has penetrated into the dermal layer
g.       “Skin disease” is an infection of the skin, whereas the “seasonal skin disease” is influenced by the weather such as “frost bite” or “snow burn” and “sun burn”
h.      “Acute disease” is of a more or less vibrant character and of short duration and normally will not recur, but a “chronic disease” is of long duration, usually mild but recurring
i.         The fore finger should be wrapped with cotton wet with astringent / toner for extractions of comedones and pustules. Facial tissue is not recommended for use during extractions as it is too abrasive. Cotton is recommended as it is much softer
j.        Skin must be prepared (vaporized) before extractions, as vapor softens the skin surface
k.       The aesthetician should concentrate on one blackhead at a time, gently and carefully so as not to bruise the tissue
l.         Albinism is the absence of color pigmentation in the skin and hair
m.    It is important not to press down the cartilage during comedones / pimples extractions
n.      A metal comedones extractor is never used as it can cause the follicle walls to rupture, spilling sebum and bacteria into the dermis
o.      Every pimple starts from a blackhead or clogged follicle
p.      Before extracting a pimple, it is important that the pimple has come to a head, with pus visible. When in doubt whether to extract the pimple, it is best to leave it alone
q.      Needle for prickling the pimple should be sterilized
r.        The common term for comedones is blackheads and milia is whiteheads
s.       A dermatologist is a skin specialist
t.        As a person ages, the dermis layer undergo changes (skin loses elasticity)
u.      To safeguard her own and the public’s health, the aesthetician should refuse to treat a client with an infection or contagious disease
v.       Eczema is an inflammation of the skin of acute or chronic nature. Vitiligo is an acquired condition of leudoderma, affecting the skin. Another name for freckles is lentigines. A technical name for wart is verruca
w.     Chloasma is found mainly on the forehead, nose and cheeks
x.       Broken capillaries are dilated, thin walled blood vessels
y.       A cyst often starts when a follicle ruptures deep within the dermis
z.       A tanned skin is caused by excessive exposure to the sun

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