Monday, August 1, 2011


A healthy lifestyle includes exercise and diet. Where on area of the body needs improvement, a more concentrated approach to salon treatment is necessary. However, to have a healthy skin and body, the client needs sufficient daily exercise and good diet.

1.       Diet :
It is not necessary for beauty therapists to be dieticians, nor should they try to be. However a basic knowledge of nutrition is essential as part of the total approach to health programs. The study of dietetics, which uses food and drink to maintain health, can be utilized by the therapist to produce diet results for the clients :
The basic of a sound diet includes the following :
-          Carbohydrates – which are essential for the production of heat and energy, and which help maintain body temperature
-          Fats – which constitute a reserve of heat and energy, and can be stored by the body
-          Proteins – vital for growth and repair of body tissue
-          Water – an essential constituents, forming 70% of body weight, involved with digestion, absorption and circulatory systems
-          Mineral elements / vitamins – minute elements which, although having no energy value, are vital for good health as they control and regulate the processes in the body

2.       Exercise :
Isotonic exercises involve active movements where the muscles concerned change in shape to bring about the movement. Not all like active exercise or are able to perform it easily. Obesity, disability, lack of time or inclination is all reasons why isotonic exercises are not followed regularly.
Isometric exercises are some of the most useful exercises as they can be adapted to suit every kind of person exercises as they can be adapted to suit every kind of person. ‘Isometric’ is Greek word meaning same length. Isometric contraction refers to the tensing or tightening a muscle without changing its length. These are similar in activity to static contractions as seen at work in anti gravity muscles. The muscle contracts as hard as possible against an immovable resistance such as the floor, a wall, or a heavy table

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